Posted on March 10, 2023
With most print jobs that we perform, there are specifications to adhere to. In this guide, we will cover how to prepare and send a file for a print job.
Because we carry a variety of mediums that we can print on, there isn't a "one size fits all" guide available. Therefore, if you still have questions after reading this, feel free to contact us!

1. Prep your file for print.
Image Resolution-The ideal resolution is 300ppi.
File Format-We accept psd, tiff, jpg, pdf, and jpeg,
Color Mode-We accept both CMYK and RGB color modes. If you are printing on a paper or canvas, CMYK may give you a better idea on how the colors will print.
Size-Please have your file cropped to the size you would like it to be printed.
2. Send your file to us.
To give us your file, you can either bring us a hard copy (USB drive) or send it to us in an e-mail.
To send it in an e-mail, send it to our e-mail
In the e-mail, please include the following:
What you would like to order including the size, print medium, and quantity.
If you would like to pick it up or have it shipped and the address we should ship it to.
Your information including your name, phone number, and email.
The print file(s) attached.
To attach your print file, click the paper clip icon in the e-mail draft. From here, navigate to the file you'd like to send, and send it. If prompted to choose what file size you'd like to send, choose actual file size.
Below is an example of what your e-mail should resemble.

We know that these concepts are new to some, and we are here to help! If you need anything, give us a call at 620-231-2041, and we will talk you through it!