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Seaside Reflections, a stunning piece of art by Geno Peoples, is a must-have for any beach lover. Made in the USA, this piece captures the beauty of an early morning beach with the sun gleaming behind clouds and a lighthouse in the far distance. The peaceful and serene atmosphere of this painting will transport you to the beach every time you look at it. With its impressive attention to detail, this artwork is sure to impress anyone who sees it.

Seaside Reflections

  • Gallery Wrapped Canvas
    The image is printed on 100% cotton canvas and stretched over 2” wide bars. The edges are finished for a clean look. This classic style looks great in any space.

    Gallery Wrapped Canvas in Floater Frame
    Enhance your gallery wrapped canvas with a floater frame. These solid wood frames add a touch of elegance to your art.

    Framed and Mounted canvas
    The image is printed on 100% cotton canvas and securely mounted on a backing board. A beautiful frame accents the artwork.

    Framed and matted
    The image is printed on archival matte paper, double matted, and framed with clear glass. We design each piece to enhance the artwork.

    We assemble each pallet out of 1" thick tinbers in our facility in Kansas, and then print the art directly to the wood. These pieces look great inside or out.

    Box Board
    For a look between Gallery Wrapped Canvas and Pallet, choose a box board. The images are printed on custom made wooden box boards and finished with a white painted edge.

    For a modern look, choose our ¼” acrylic art. Each piece is back printed with our UV cured ink. All images come with silver standoffs and installation instructions.

    Get your art printed on a metal. This comes with a backer frame to hold the art off the wall and make installation a breeze.

    All art comes assembled and ready to hang on your wall.

    Looking for something larger?  Contact us at for a custom quote!

  • Did your order arrive damaged?
    Please notify us within 10 days of receipt. Include images of damaged product(s). We will re-make, or refund items damaged in shipping.

    Did you decide the piece isn't what you need?
    Please notify us within 30 days of receipt.  We'll provide you the address to return the item to. Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer.
    Items that are personalized are not eligible for return.

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